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Our Products
Young Businesswomen

Careerly offers three products at affordable value: individual coaching appointments, group instruction, and downloadable career guides with real-life examples and templates. 

Remember, the Careerly differentiator is industry-specific coaches, and insider knowledge (as opposed to more general career coaching). Nowhere is this more impactful than in the one-on-one individual sessions - leading to an 88.4% of these clients getting a job within one month.


We do stand-alone workshops, larger career events, and full career programming. CAREERx - a full schedule of 12 career sessions - is popular with professional associations, alumni clubs, and as part of various Learning programs. It is a great way to benefit from the Careerly way - strong content, industry-driven, engaging instruction  - without busting the bank!

Motivational Speaker

Everyone has templates but do they have templates for your industry? An investment banking resume is not the same as a consulting resume. And should one even use the traditional cover letter for tech firms? It depends. Too many candidates fail for the very simple reason that they're not playing by a particular industry's norms and standards.

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Our Youtube channel is our most famous offering thanks to the origin story of Founder, Hira Fernando, who back in 2013 made videos on the fly for her students during a snowstorm. Here we are 40K subscribers and 5.3 million views later! Check out the hundreds of testimonials of fans saying "I binge-watched your videos and got the job!"

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Products & Services

We discussed what we help you with - role and industry specific search and networking, core materials overhaul (resumes, project portfolios, online profiles, and accomplishment records), and thorough interview prep with question by question breakdowns. 

Also, Newsflash: using AI gives clients a significant first-mover advantage. Right now 98% of job seekers do not use it, and of those who do, less than a quarter know how to structure a good prompt. We show you how to do this and share with you a ton of presets and prompts Careerly created for #jobsearch and #careerdev. 

Here, we explain how we deliver that help, giving you options at different price points. There's a solution for every circumstance... even a free one. Read on to find out!

And we offer everyone a FREE 30-minutes so you can get all your questions answered before you book, buy, or download anything!

Dear Hira, I was offered the investment banking internship! I also got an offer from BMW. It was a tough choice, but getting two offers from such good firms is thanks to your thorough preparation and knowing what these firms were looking for. It was a major factor in why I did well. Thank you!

Nathan Christ, MA European Studies, School of Foreign Service,

Georgetown University

After going through a frustrating job search in a specialized Masters in Finance program (I applied to 200 jobs but heard nothing back!), I needed a fresh start. It was perfect timing because my professors had just brought on Careerly. Olivier and Hira helped me quickly figure out that given my data and quant heavy classes, I should apply for data analyst type roles. They then reworked my resume, LinkedIn and a Projects Page highlighting my technical and data-related skills. With this new positioning. and some great networking tips, I got two job offers within 17 days.


Sarah Johnson, Dept of Finance, Johns Hopkins University

Thelan USA

Thelan USA is the expert in federal program management - strategy & planning, IT management, technical professional services - and with Careerly's addition to the family - human capital management, learning and development (L&D), and job skills training. 

FireShot Capture 646 -
The Weekly

1203,19th Street,3rd floor, Washington D.C. 200036, U.S.A.

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"A Wharton alumna shares the personal experiences that inspired her own dedication to others’ professional growth."

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