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The Portfolio Site or Document is designed to showcase your brilliance! Highlighting your contributions to your field of expertise as well as the value you consistently bring to employers, colleagues, and clients alike.

The Portfolio

The Concept of a Portfolio (a dossier or a website) is something familiar to architects , designers, photographers, and brand managers.  It is now a popular tool for any professional who wishes to showcase their projects, assignments, core competencies, and impact.

What is it exactly?

A portfolio document or site contains granular data at the project level, work samples, quantified results, and top skills ulilized. It is heavily dependent on good designThe message is the medium... don't get those colors & fonts wrong!

Why bother?

One, it's undeniably impressive. Two, it's a very effective way to communicate all your career data. Third, traditional jobs are being restructured into tasks, projects, and deliverables. Presenting your projects, outcomes, and samples of work is a priority. 

What does it cost?

We won't lie. Getting this right is a lot of work and requires the ability to craft messaging like a politician plus a meticulous eye for design.  But it's well worth the effort and cost, which is usually a fraction of candidates' new annual comp: around 1% - 2%.

How It Works


We'll design and create content for a site that will differentiate you in a crowded market. In one swoop we show off your experience, technical prowess, and creative skills.


We will craft your story in the most attractive way for your audience or "customer" segments: future employers,  clients, and networking opps.


We'll make sure that the intended audience will be curious about you and want to meet you! We'll  drive up leads and invitations to meet, chat, grab coffee, and interview.


After recruiting is done and you have your dream job, you keep your site and build on it as a subject matter expert in your field and/or use it as a tool for ongoing biz dev purposes.   

Portfolio Gallery

We have done a variety of portfolio documents and sites that did their job: increased calls for an interview, and also converted more of those opportunities to job offers - candidates performed remarkably better having spent hours on their material. Below are some examples of our work - get in touch to learn more!

FireShot Capture 268 - Home - Samarth Ne
FireShot Capture 265 - Home - Kavita Des

MBA With Engineering and Tech Background Looking for Product Marketing or Management Roles.

Int'l Development Specialist with USAID Contract Implementation & Field Experience Seeking New Opps.

  • 720$
    Valid for 24 months
  • 1,100$
    Valid for 24 months
  • 1,584$
    Valid for 24 months
Fun with Guitar

“Hold the vision, trust the process.” – Unknown

Thelan USA

Thelan USA is the expert in federal program management - strategy & planning, IT management, technical professional services - and with Careerly's addition to the family - human capital management, learning and development (L&D), and job skills training. 

FireShot Capture 646 -
The Weekly

1203,19th Street,3rd floor, Washington D.C. 200036, U.S.A.

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"A Wharton alumna shares the personal experiences that inspired her own dedication to others’ professional growth."

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