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How We Help Candidates

Candidates have a 75% better chance of getting an offer when they are coached by industry practitioners. We provide the crucial link between you and the people who have the job you want.

Industry Expertise

Insider track to your dream job

Leverage key industry experience and specialized vertical intel. We were once in your shoes and successfully navigated the recruiting process to accomplish the same goals.

Role Specific Prep

Nail the "Why You?"

Get the role specific content and interview prep  you need for the exact job(s) that you are applying to. Remember a banking resume is vastly different from a tech resume!

Online and 24/7

Everywhere all at once

Access seamless coaching support no matter what the circumstances. All you need is an internet connection, and we'll work on that urgent application with you within 24 hours.

Still, Though, Why Careerly?

Careerly has always been a highly vetted and trusted platform with unique features around rigor, accuracy, and specificity. In 2024, there's a game-changer with unprecedented impact on job displacement and your career. AI and ChatGPT. We are the only career coaching service (truly) on it. 

01. Highly Vetted

We have a solid track record working with Global Top 20 universities, helping hundreds of students every year.

02. Successful Outcomes

The candidates we prepare land at the top banks, consulting firms, and tech giants.  Employers recognize a Careerly candidate!

03. Rigor & Accuracy 

Some 8,245+ clients have achieved their career dreams using the rigor and specificity of our frameworks - an 88.4% rate. 

04. The AI Advantage

Newsflash: Using AI gives clients a significant first-mover advantage. Right now 98% of job seekers do not use it, and of those who do, less than a quarter know how to structure a good prompt. We show you how to do this and share with you a ton of presets and prompts Careerly created for #jobsearch and #careerdev. 


Fun Fact!

Careerly started with one coach's dedication to her students. Known as the little engine that could, Careerly grew to become a beloved platform by clients and fans. Hira, the founder, gained a Youtube following with her genuine, unscripted, and highly effective content. The most repeated comment from her viewers was, 'I binge watched your videos and aced my interview!'

So, What Can We Help You With?

We block & tackle each piece using methodologies and frameworks we've developed over the years, which have already worked for thousands of candidates. 

Job Search Pierces

We discussed what we help you with - role and industry specific search and networking, core materials overhaul (resumes, project portfolios, online profiles, and accomplishment records), and thorough interview prep with question by question breakdowns. 

Also, Newsflash: using AI gives clients a significant first-mover advantage. Right now 98% of job seekers do not use it, and of those who do, less than a quarter know how to structure a good prompt. We show you how to do this and share with you a ton of presets and prompts Careerly created for #jobsearch and #careerdev.  Careerly model is that our coaches are industry professionals, already doing the job you want! They successfully navigated the recruiting process you're about to embark on and know what they're doing when they guide you. 

My Resume Sucks.

I'm not getting any interviews.

It could be your resume. Or it could be that you're not hitting the nail in your cover letters and networking emails. Oh, wait, you're not networking? If the block is that you're applying and not getting interviews, usually it means these written materials must be optimized - for your industry. This includes the all-important LinkedIn profile, outreach emails, social media posts, and other marketing materials. Then we deal with the networking piece and how to leverage these materials with the right folks.

Confident businessman waiting for an interview

My Interviews Bomb.

I am not getting any job offers.

Ah, the perennial problem! And Careerly's favorite one to solve- where we have our highest success rate, 91%. In other words, candidates who interview prepped with us, almost always got the job. It's comes down to knowing exactly what the interviewer is looking for in your answers, with the added layer of industry specificity. Do your stories for behavioral questions convey the qualities sought? And for the love of all things on Earth, do you know really how to answer, "So, Tell Me About Yourself?" 

I Think it's Me. I Suck.

I'm not getting anywhere. Not even sure I know where I'm going anymore.

OK, this one? It's most definitely not you. Several Careerly coaches on this platform are Hira's ex-coachees. So. when we say "we've been there", we're not repeating a trite cliche. It's a statement of fact and why we chose to set the service up this way - precisely so you could tap into this crucial piece of information - that it's not you.  Every industry has its own 'deep state' of recruiting, team culture, certain unknown connections. This is why guidance from the 'inside" is so effective. 

Designer's World
Thelan USA

Thelan USA is the expert in federal program management - strategy & planning, IT management, technical professional services - and with Careerly's addition to the family - human capital management, learning and development (L&D), and job skills training. 

FireShot Capture 646 -
The Weekly

1203,19th Street,3rd floor, Washington D.C. 200036, U.S.A.

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"A Wharton alumna shares the personal experiences that inspired her own dedication to others’ professional growth."

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